Exciting News from Zupa: Caternet's Fresh New Look launches mid-March 24!

Ollie Brand

Discover Caternet's groundbreaking transformation! Launching in March 2024, our fresh new look promises to redefine catering management software. Stay ahead with Zupa's innovative solutions.

We've been all ears at Zupa, and guess what? Big changes are coming to Caternet! We're thrilled to give you a sneak peek of what's to come:

Caternet's New Look

Let's check out what's new:

  • Terminology Tweaks: Our lingo is getting a makeover to be more user-centric and universally understandable. We're speaking your language!
  • Logical Grouping: We're reorganising our features into more intuitive locations within the navigation. Finding what you need should now be a breeze!
  • A Fresh Coat of Paint: Embrace Caternet's stylish new look and feel. This update lays the groundwork for a responsive design adaptable across various devices.

Dive in for more details!

Terminology tweaks

First up, we have made some changes to the top navigation terminology.

We've simplified things, removing the word 'My' such as - My Shop, My Plan, My Stock and My Figures are now Shop, Plan, Stock and Figures. We've also gone ahead and removed My Team and My Setup and replaced them with Reporting and Admin:

  • Shop: this is where all procurement related functionality lives, where you can manage account details, products, pricing and ordering
  • Plan: this is where you can manage your recipes, menus and all related planning functionality.
  • Stock: a central location to manage all stock sheets, audits and transfers, and all stock related functionality.
  • Figures: focuses on the sales and ops side of the business, housing all bookwork and point of sale related functionality.
  • Reporting: this is where all reporting, budget and export related functionality lives.
  • Admin: this is where you can manage your users, organisation and financial coding.

Next up, check out how Caternet now looks from a Caterers perspective:

Caterer Updated Navigation

And now observe Caternet from a suppliers perspective:

Supplier Updated Navigation

Logical grouping

We have moved things to live in more logical places. The most important and notable changes are:

  • The reporting options within ‘My Figures’ have moved to ‘Reporting’. It is important that reporting has its own area going forward, especially as we continue to build on our data warehouse and analytics. All operational functionality that was previously in ‘My Figures’ has moved to the relevant parts, such as Invoice Reconciliation below.
  • Invoice Reconciliation has moved to ‘Shop’. This was a logical change, as the end to end order flow sits in one place - managing products, order fulfilment to reconciliation. Please see how you access Invoice Reconciliation below.
  • We have removed the ‘Setup’ menu, and instead added a ‘Configuration’ sub menu under each main menu option. This is because the settings relating to a specific bit of functionality should sit with the relevant functionality. We will continue to evolve the product to work more intuitively with this, as you will be able to fulfil more actions and onboard new features yourselves, and become less dependant on our support team.
Invoice Reconciliation Navigation

A fresh coat of paint

The user interface (UI) design has evolved to be more logical, and simplistic!

Material Design is a design approach by Google that makes interfaces look more realistic and intuitive. It uses simple, clean lines and layers to create depth and structure. The design focuses on smooth animations, clear layouts, and consistent visualisation across different devices, aiming to make apps and websites easy and pleasant to use.

When is this happening?

We are planning to go live with this mid-March.

We are confident it will be a straightforward transition, and truly beneficial for the long term as we continue to evolve Caternet, and will be keenly listening to feedback as we iterate going forwards.

Our Customer Success Team will be in touch with your internal champion, to provide whatever support is needed in preparing for this change.

As always, we are incredibly grateful for your support. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at help@zupa.com or give us a ring at 023 8212 4099.